PREMIERE: Ayite - 10 Questions & Legacy (Single Drop)


North London rapper AyiTe (pronounced i-ee-tee) ends a challenging but successful year with the captivating new single ‘Legacy'.

Marrying his intricate, melodic flow with the wavy production of Joss Ryan (Jimothy Lacoste, JGrrey, Paigey Cakey), he explores what it means to celebrate the achievements and contributions of those who have passed. He expresses his desire for his art to live on and poses the question - ‘what can I offer the world to ensure people remember me?’ The last time AyiTe teamed up with Joss, it was on the underground smash ‘Practice/Preach’ which received global playlist support and coverage from the likes of Wordplay, UKHH and Feat Mag.

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for music?

I’ve been into music for as long as I can remember. My earliest memory of trying to rap was at 6 years old round my Nan’s house after I’d been watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! At that point in my life, the sight of Will Smith jumping around in those crazy, colurful clothes was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. That was basically my gateway into Rap and Hip Hop.


2. Who are some artists that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

Growing up it was definitely people like Kanye, Jay-Z, Dizzee, Common, Kano, Ghetts etc. Getting in a session with any of those people would be a dream come true obviously. Right now I’m inspired by the kind of artists that I think are really pushing boundaries like Kojey Radical, Little Simz, Ocean Wisdom, Che Lingo etc.


3. Your new single is about to drop, what are some of the problems you have faced making and releasing the project during the corona virus pandemic and is there an album on the way?

Well the first time we had a lockdown it was a struggle just to find inspiration. It’s difficult to come up with anything when you’re stuck inside with nothing to draw from but I think I’ve kind of adjusted to it now. Other than that it’s just put mad limitations on shooting videos so we’re having to get creative and think outside the box when it comes to visuals. I’m not sure about an album but I’ll definitely be putting out an EP next year.


4. How would you describe your sound?

I always have trouble answering this! I guess it lies somewhere between that mellow, soulful, classic Hip Hop sound and the more contemporary, harder, bass heavy stuff. I like to make sure there’s real musicality in everything I make and I don’t like to limit myself when experimenting with different styles. The aim is always to give people something they feel like they haven’t heard before. 


5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist?

A big one for me was playing the main stage at Sundown festival last year. Just being on a stage that size, literally seeing your name in lights is surreal.

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6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

First and foremost work on making your music as dope as possible. As for the admin/business side, I’d say make a checklist of all the areas you think you need to be on top of when releasing your music so like distribution, PR, Radio plugging, play-listing, digital marketing, live shows etc. and then figure out how you can tick all these boxes. Do you need to pay a PR company to help push your music for example? Can you research promoters that might be able to book you shows? If you need ideas on how to market yourself properly, a guy I know called Ayaz (@socialmediaayaz) shares loads of amazing tips on this stuff. Also if you know other artists in your scene that look like they’re a few steps ahead of you, don’t be afraid to ask their advice. It’s all about who you know and you never know who they might plug you in with.


7. Are there any artists on your radar at the moment that we should check out?

From the UK you should def check out Eerf Evil, LYAM and KdotMelody who I released a track with recently and from the US I’ve been listening to Nappy Nina and this guy called GQ. I really think those two are going to blow up so when they do, remember where you heard it first!


8. What albums are on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist currently?

A friend of mine put me onto The Jux recently and I’ve been banging their album Fly Pain. Amin? Limbo got a lot of spins from me when it came out and lately I’ve been dipping back into Grime with D Double E and Dizzee’s albums. Slowthai’s album is the next one I’m really looking forward to.


9. What do you like to do when you’re not making music?

Either hit the gym or just binge watch all kinds of movies and TV shows. Film really is my second love after music so whenever I’m not writing or recording I’m watching something. I’ve got this never ending list of classic films I’ve been trying to get through during lockdown.


10. Name three things you can't live without when you're in the studio?

Herbal tea, decent WiFi and low lighting? I feel like it sharpens the senses and helps me get in the zone.

Words - Ed Lindsay


PREMIERE: Chriz Gabriel - Sweet (Official Video)


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