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Isanna - Mango (Single) + 10 Questions

The beauty behind ‘Mango’, is a somewhat happy accident, when a couple of producers asked Isanna to write a song for Rhianna with a 24-hour deadline. Determined, Isanna locked herself away in her bedroom, a self-proclaimed introvert who creates better alone. Pouring herself into the challenge, the result was ‘Mango’, but the beat, lyrics and the way the track flows was ultimately too ‘Isanna’ to let go, even for Queen Rhi Rhi.

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for music?

I took piano lessons from when I was really little, and I think that was the beginning for me, but when I started teaching myself acoustic guitar at around 9 or 10, I first discovered the beauty of writing songs.

Growing up as a German-American kid in Connecticut was also a major contributing factor to my love for music because feeling so different from others at my school pushed me to express myself creatively when I couldn’t really connect in any other way. It felt really cathartic and natural to be creating something.

Around that time, I heard Ellie Goulding’s first album ‘Lights’ and that also opened up a whole new world for me. It inspired me to start thinking about the production that could fit around the songs I wrote. A few years later, I put that into practice when I started experimenting with Garageband, and later Ableton.

2. Who are some artists that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

I’ve had such a wide variety of influences over the years, some more definitive than others, but it ranges from early 90’s and 2000’s singer-songwriter pop a la Dido and Michelle Branch, to classical music, like Chopin. Bon Iver and early Drake have also been a massive source of inspiration for me. I love Noah Shebib’s production on Nothing Was The Same.

I’d love to work with some other strong female artists/producers, I think. Grimes or Banks seem like they’d be so much fun to work with and learn from.

3. What are some of the problems you have faced making and releasing the music during the corona virus pandemic?

I think the pandemic was a strangely productive time for me. There were definitely highs and lows but because I produce and write my music alone, I was already used to isolation. When the world kind of went quiet, I think my creativity kicked into overdrive because I had so much more free time to explore my own emotions and work on honing my unique sound.

On the other hand, since it was mainly a time for me to write and produce, I found my hiatus of releasing music tough. As an artist, it’s in my nature to want to share my work with the world as soon as I make something, and I really thrive off of feedback, so that period of quiet grind was definitely a challenge mentally.

4. How would you describe your sound?

It’s introspective pop with R&B and Singer-Songwriter influences!

5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist?

Being the producer and writer of my tracks. I’d love to bring more people onto the project in future, but I’m really proud that I get to say I’m solely responsible for the development of my own sound.

6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

If resources are available to you as an artist, learn how to produce, even if it’s just the basics so you can understand the creative process a bit better and express your visions clearly.

Also, I think it’s important to find a good group of people who both care about you and believe in your project. I’ve been so lucky to find a team that not only understands my vision, but also genuinely wants me to thrive as an individual. This industry can be really tough at times, and you can easily lose sight of what’s important. Having those people around you can ground you when it gets hard.

7. Are there any artists on your radar at the moment that we should check out?

Sevdaliza. She’s a brilliant artist and producer with a really impressive, fresh sound. This is gonna be a big moment for women in music, I think. There are so many incredible acts finally getting the recognition they deserve, and she honestly needs so much more hype.

8. What albums are on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist currently?

Donda has been on repeat for me. Also Sevdaliza’s latest album Shabrang, and Viva! La Woman, which is a really cool 90’s vibe from Cibo Matto. I find the production on all of them really sonically fascinating and rich.

9. What do you like to do when you're not making music?

Oh boy, as a Gemini, I really love this question. I’m big into esotericism, so astrology, tarot, and everything in that realm.

I’m also a big reader. I feel like I get most of my inspiration from books if it’s not immediately from real life experience.

The other thing I’m big on is Fencing. It’s become really important to me to have an outlet for my energy that isn’t necessarily music, and it’s such a great, fast-paced sport.

10. Name Three things you can't live without when in the studio?

I’m a simple girl. Coffee, my tarot deck, and fairy lights for the vibe.

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