MC Tempo - 10 Questions


MC Tempo lost his hearing rapping at an illegal rave event. He met a guy who took him to ‘We Are Emmanuel’ church in Brighton. It was here where an Indian evangelist named Rambabu had a prophetic word and picked Tempo out of a large crowd. He prophesied that there was someone in the building who was deaf in their left ear and pointed at Tempo out of just under 1000 people. He invited Tempo forward to the stage, prayed for him in the name of Jesus and Tempo was completely healed of deafness”.

MC Tempo sat down with Wordplay Magazine to answer our infamous 10 Questions:

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for music?

I first started MC’ing at illegal raves whilst I was still in school. We would often take over derelict warehouses, leave the location on a pre recorded answerphone message and people would turn up on mass. There were other times when we would be refused entry to the clubs we were due to perform at because we were under age, so we had to send a friends older brother in to open the fire exit to smuggle us in through the side door.

2. Who are some artists that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

I've got quite a wide range of musical influences. Hillsong, Bethel music, 2Pac, Jay Picasso, Canibus, Eminem, LZ7 and even Billy Joel to name a few. I'm always open to working with anyone potentially, as long as the vibe is right. I'm not down for the artist snobbery thing, thinking someone is too good to work with someone else… we are all human beings at the end of the day. As they say, ‘Keep it humble or stumble’.

3. What are some of the problems you have faced making and releasing the music during the coronavirus pandemic?

It's been a lot easier to make music during the pandemic, however, it's not been so easy to promote it. I think the biggest problem the pandemic has caused is the lack of live events. That said, whilst most of the world was in lockdown last summer… I felt quite blessed to be able to do a beach festival in Bulgaria with DJ SS, Grooverider, The Prototype’s and a load of others.

4. How would you describe your sound?

I find it difficult to label my sound specifically. I mainly do hip-hop and D&B I guess. I’ve also done diss tracks, story songs, love songs, worship songs, remixes, a song where every letter begins with the letter ‘C’ and loads of others. It's helpful having a wide variety because I'm able to tailor live shows a lot easier, depending on the context of the event, be that in a church, a festival or a nightclub etc.

5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist?

My proudest moment as an artist would probably be the 24 hour freestyle rap we did outside the front of the Palace Pier in Brighton. I went back to back with Buzz (from Digitek) and we both had to solo for a maximum of 15 minutes if one of us needed to go to the toilet or break - it was really intense. We raised a load of money for children in need and couldn't talk for a few days afterwards. It was a bit disappointing that the adjudicator from the Guinness Book of World Records didn't turn up, so it remained unofficial. Got to love the underground!

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6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

I would simply advise any budding musicians to pray and seek Jesus to help them. I wholeheartedly believe that I would not be here today if Jesus had not made a way for me. For those who know my story, I used to be deaf in my left ear (after losing my hearing at an illegal rave), until I went to a church and got prayed for  and had my hearing completely restored. If Jesus can turn a deaf drug dealing atheist into a born again Christian rap artist, I believe He can do anything for anyone in any moment.

7. Are there any artists on your radar at the moment that we should check out?

I've been listening to a lot of Stevie Valentine, Konola, Paddy Simba and Still Shadey recently. J Vessel and Guvna B are often on the playlist too. I’m always looking out for new artists and songs though. Thats why God gave us Spotify!

8. What albums are on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist currently?

I listen to more playlists than I do albums. My listening habits normally stem from recommendations. If I hear a song that really gets my attention, I add it on to 1 of my play lists.

9. What do you like to do when you're not making music?

When I’m not making music, I love spending time with those closest to me. I love playing football, going to pure gym, reading and binging box sets.

10. Name Three things you can't live without when in the studio?

I always like to have my Bible to hand, KFC or Domino’s on speed dial and a bottle of organic carrot juice which is always the 1st thing on the rider.


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