Benny Sings - Music (Album) + Interview
Credit: Tess Janssen
Hailing from Amsterdam Benny Sings is back with his 8th solo studio album ‘Music’ which has collaborators from the likes of Mac DeMarco, Tom Misch, Emily King, KYLE, Cautious Clay, P.J. Morton, Kelsey Gonzales of The Free Nationals and Chance the Rapper collaborator Peter CottonTale’s gospel choir & more.
What a gem of uplifting tracks for us all to enjoy, a wonderful concoction and the album is timeless. This is not the kind of album you would sit still too. It’s soulful yet has pop catchy hooks, along with the Rhythm and Blues feel it’s delicious.
‘Nobody’s Fault’ features a blazing guitar solo from Tom Misch it’s the first track off the album. I was instantly singing along after a few times of listening. I really loved the fact that there were female backing vocals, I have always loved tracks that include backing vocals from other vocalists. I just feel that it adds something special to the track hearing different timbres and tones.
‘Lost Again’ starts with vocals and clapping sounds which instantly commands your attention. We then get some beautiful twinkling keys which personal gave me an Elton John vibes, whats not to love. Followed by warm walking bass vibe, call and response backing vocals, the track builds and goes from there. This track made me wanted to get up and dance and get other people involved. The kind you make a routine too or dance like nobody else is watching you
‘Run Right Back’ featuring Cautious Clay has almost a laid back feel giving off a reggae vibe then develops and grows and the pop element is reintroduced in a clever way, still sounding natural, organic and not misplaced. There is a Motown feel in the lyrics ‘spring with the summer I’m still falling for you, day after day I wonder, wonder, wonder’. Who would have thought these two genre in one song?! Love tracks that break the boundaries, with overlapping harmonies and a lush sax-solo this is a wonderful.
Of working with other artists, Benny notes “I’ve learned along the way that working with other artists enriches my music. I’m a bit of a loner, and because of that I’ve always had more affinity with writers than with musicians. Over the past few years I’ve been actively chasing collaborations with kindred spirits.”
Alongside the album he has release 4 music videos ‘Nobody’s Fault’, ‘Rolled Up (feat. Mac DeMarco)’ and ‘Here It Comes'. His most recent being ‘KIDS’ (feat KYLE) which also stars Kyle Mooney American actor/comedian.
Benny Sings sat down with Wordplay Magazine to answer some of out infamous questions:
1. So tell me how did it all begin, what sparked your passion for music?
I wanted to be in a band. Seemed like the best time ever. Watched Jon Bon Jovi and thought: that must be good.
2. How would you describe your sound?
They call it indie soul now. I never had a good term for it, this term is new. I used to call it weird soul, or failed soul.
3. What are some of the problems you have faced making and releasing the music during the coronavirus pandemic and did this effect collaborations for your album ‘Music’?
I didn't have any problems. I was in lockdown forever, so nothing changed for me. I had no big tours planned, so that was fine too. Would have loved to go on the road now though. But I can wait for a couple of months, no biggie.
4. Who/what do you consider to be the biggest influence on your music?
That would be: other music. Nothing inspires me more than the music I love. I’m just trying to find the essence of the music that I love. And that’s hard to describe: it’s a feeling. But it has to do with the beat to make your body move, and the chords and melodies to make your emotions move.
5. What’s the proudest moment to date for you as an artist?
I think owning my own studio here in the centre of Amsterdam near my house. I feel in place now. The bakery is over there, the dentist is over there, and over there is the guy that makes the songs.
6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?
Just keep going. Make a lot. Don’t think you’re good. Enjoy being a failure.
7. Name 3 people you would love to work with and why?
BENEE - Love her choice of melody and words. So good.
Rick Rubin - Would love to experience how he works.
Paul McCartney - Just the biggest in songwriting. Wrote a few of my all time favourites.
8. What have you got planned for the not so distant future?
End of the year there’s a big tour coming, we’re going to play all over the world. Can not believe my luck. :)
9. What’s the album you’ve played more than any other?
Paul McCartney - Pipes of Peace. Played this album since I was a little kid. It’s so rich I can keep on playing it until I’m old.
10. What’s the best concert you’ve been to and where was it?
I remember the Phoenix concert here in Amsterdam club Trouw. That was when they released Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. That blew me away, sound and visuals were just pure perfection.
11. Name three things you can’t live without?
-My studio!
-White nike shoes
Benny captures his approach best, singing; “Music, help me through this, whenever I’m down on the floor.” Benny explains: “It’s so easy to get overstimulated in the world today. We need light and air, we need something that energises us. I’ll always be amazed by the magic of music – how something can spring into being that simply transcends everything.”
Make sure you look out for tour dates from Benny Sings at the end of the year.
Be sure to follow Benny Sings for the latest. His album Music available to stream now.