The Swirlers - Catalyst (Single)

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Showcasing their talent for seamless genre fusions, ‘Catalyst’ takes listeners through a nostalgic soundscape of groove, a definitively 90’s R&B-oriented sound offset with their trademark South London rap finesse.

A trio of aliases; SheiyhSweat, J2ND and Southcoastcalms, The Swirlers again showcase the sleek lyrical talent displayed on prior release ‘SNOB’ over a self-produced, synth-laden instrumental balancing the raunchy lyrical content.

‘Catalyst’ continues to underline The Swirlers as one of the most versatile and multi-disciplinary acts coming through South London right now, and with their new EP on the horizon, look set to generate more serious waves with assured, polished vibes like this.


Roku145 - Kumbali (Official Video)


Wordplay Sessions: - A Song For (Live Session)