Mac Lloyd - The One (Single)


Brand new heat from Mac Lloyd and as always, it delivers!

Mac had this to say about the track: “Simply put, my life would be very different without my son. I try not to exaggerate but there may not even be one to enjoy if it weren't for him. Before he was around I struggled deeply with finding meaning, despite having my goals and aspirations they felt hollow. My new song The One is written and dedicated to him, for the joy he brings every single day and through that the perspective on life that I've gained from having him around.

The song is written in a simplistic and direct way that details exactly how I feel when he is around. How almost everything could cease to exist so long as I can spend time with him.

The track is out now, and is once again completely written, produced, mixed and mastered by Mac Lloyd and is released through Green Brick Records.


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