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Chinwe - Paranoia (Single)

East London’s Chinwe creates music as a means to make sense of the world around her. An introspective artist, her latest release “Paranoia” transforms past setbacks into personal growth - discovering the light within.

Fusing the contemporary musical stylings of Portishead with the rich, jazz filled rhythms of Nina Simone, Chinwe’s brooding soundscapes glitter with rich instrumentals and her warm vocal timbre. Following the release of her debut EP Scar Tissue, Chinwe ushers in a new era with “Paranoia” as she sets her sights on her sophomore EP project - due for release early 2023.

“Don’t look behind” she urges the listener, “you won’t like what you find”. This is the track’s mantra, imploring that we find beauty and gratification in the present as opposed to fixating on the troubles of the past. Accompanied by the gentle plucking of her harp, “Paranoia” is filled with celestial magic - laced with Chinwe’s soulful vocals and shimmering electronics.

Soft and sweet, “The single is about looking back on situations and feeling let down by people -  like no one really has your back”, she explains. “Sometimes it changes you and you try to protect yourself from the same things happening again. But we’re all flawed as human beings and we can’t shut ourselves off from everyone. That’s kind of what the song is getting at –  we all make mistakes, but hopefully we grow from them and embrace the lessons.”

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