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Antonio Dikele Distefano - Autumn Beat (Film Trailer) + 10 Questions

I see Autumn Beat as a breakout project. A story about a cross-section of second-generation youths that, far from elitist dramas of Italian cinema, seeks to find a new path where vitality, emotion and music converge to create a once-in a lifetime cinematic experience - Antonio Dikele.

Tito and Paco are 20 years old and share a dream: they want to break into the world of rap. Paco is a born performer and Tito writes like no one else in his generation. They seem destined for success. However, despite their efforts to stick together, ambition, betrayal, and their love for the same woman threaten to split them apart forever.

The film is built around a non-linear narrative structure divided into three parts, drawing inspiration from films like Moonlight by Barry Jenkins.

Three acts, written as self-contained chapters, that tell the stories of two brothers, each marked in their own way by painful and touching epilogues. The acts take place a decade apart - in 2010, 1999 and 2020 - and are set, as the title suggests, in the fall, or better, the different falls that have transformed the existence of the two protagonists, exploring them in their roles as “brothers”, “sons” and finally, “fathers”.

Antonio Dikele Distefano sat down with Wordplay Magazine to answer our infamous 10 Questions:

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for writing and cinema?

I’ve always watched a lot of movies. I am a great fan of cinema, but I started my career as a book writer in 2014.
 During the years I developed the dream to write a tv-series or a movie. My debut with writing in an audiovisual production was with 'Zero', a tv-series for Netflix. But when I realised that with writing only I wouldn't have total control over the project, I decided that with the next project I would be the director of the movie as well. So I studied a lot about directing and with 'Autumn Beat' I had a lot of fun. I am very happy with the result, especially considering that it is only the beginning for me.

2. Who are some of the people that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

I am influenced by a lot of people in a lot of industries. I think that is the only way to have success in every aspect in life. Having great examples is essential.

I am a great fan of rap music and rap is a core element of my movie; so I would say that one of my greatest role models is Jay-Z.
I always study his interviews, what he says really inspires me also from a business point of view. He’s one of the first black billionaires in the whole world and that is a really great thing.

But I am inspired by a lot of people of all historical periods; I am reading the writings of Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, and a book about Warren Buffet’s financial strategies. I think that inspiration is really everywhere and we have the opportunity to take notes and improve ourselves by watching others.

3. Can you talk to us about 'Autumn Beat'? How did this movie come about?

This movie began in 2020. I had this idea: a film that, behind a strong personal story, could tell about the evolution of Italian rap. For this reason in the film there are a lot of italian rappers, like Guè, Sfera Ebbasta, Ernia.

Another key element of difference is that it is the very first italian film with the whole cast completely black. In a very traditionalist country like Italy it is a huge thing and for this I’ve to say thanks to Prime Video that gave me this amazing opportunity. It’s a source of pride.

4. How would you describe your creative process when making 'Autumn Beat'?

Very long. I have seen and re-watched many films, to define the best references for my movie. It's not easy to understand the identity that your film should have. I believe I did it quite well because many people who have seen the film told me that the scenes have stuck in their memory. I think that all films have two main goals: to excite and be recognisable.

5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as a writer or director?

The fact that a lot of people are saying yes to my future ideas.
This is the first time for me and for all the actors and actresses of the movie. But a first time is not as important if there is not the second, the third and the fourth time as well. 
I want to create a legacy in Italy for all Black people. Obviously it’s not only about black people, but my mission is to create something in which people like me can see their story. Then emotions are something that belong to everyone, so I try to do films that can be attractive to everyone. But always with my personal mission, that is what moves me to do other projects.

6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of film and TV?

You have to see a lot of movies and TV shows. Understand how to create a story, how to define the structure. There are a lot of good books about writing and directing movies.
 And all of these playbooks say one common thing: the only key to become a good writer is writing a lot. No judgments during the writing process: allow yourself to practice and make mistakes!

7. Seeing as 'Autumn Beat' is centred around music, are there any artists on your radar right now that we should check out?

Yes, definitely. One of the greatest 'new' rappers in Italy is Nerissima Serpe.
 He is still building his fanbase but I think it is only a matter of time and powerful moves. Another huge talent in Italy is Geolier from Naples; he will be releasing a new album at the very beginning of the new year, which I think will be fire.

8. What films and TV shows have been on heavy rotation for you currently?

Normal People
In The Mood For Love.

9. What do you like to do when you're not writing or filming?

I’ve a lot of different businesses. For example, I work in music. I am the founder of the biggest Italian music media: Esse Magazine. We self produce a lot of stuff, like interviews, documentaries and other things.

I hope we can do a lot of projects in the future, Esse is our jewel and our way to communicate what we do like series, film, events– to our audience.
 We are growing so fast since 2016 and it is my main business.

But I really love working in music and we’ve also a branch of the company active in music management and in marketing consultancy for labels.
As you can see, all my life is somehow about music!

10. Name three things you can't live without when you're writing or directing?

My Iphone