PREMIERE: The New Consistent - Caught In The Draft (Single) + 10 Questions


Photo Credit: Archie Davidson @hiarchiedavidson

Since his ascension in 2019, West Midlands based The New Consistent has carved out a niche as a rapper with a difference. His silky, bona fide delivery is matched with unique melodies and beats inspired by both modern UK and classic US Hip Hop.

In recent times, he’s been championed by BBC 6 Music and BBC WM Introducing, nominated for Birmingham Music Awards, and supported the likes of Rejjie Snow and BBC 6 Music’s Tom Robinson.

New single ‘Caught In The Draft’ is a soulful, innovative track that finds TNC blending modern groove with distinctly playful lyricism.

Speaking about the track, TNC elaborates: ‘For me it’s just about trying to sum up a lot of my feelings about my life since I hit my 20s. A lot of confusion, always reevaluating who I am and what me and a lot of people I know are feeling and going through. A lot of my songs were written about my late teens and I’m 22 now. It’s been a while since I’ve put some music out, and so I wanted to encapsulate my experiences a little in this song, and set the tone for these next batch of songs that I’ve got coming out.

I also wanted to experiment with the delivery and make something a bit more playful, when we made the beat I knew I needed to switch some things up a little and I’m really happy with what we ended up with.

It’s me finding my voice, starting to really hit my confidence groove and carve my lane in this thing; for a while in the past I haven’t quite known which lane I fit in musically, but I’m so much closer to my vision with this track and the ones to come out following it.’

The New Consitent sat down with Wordplay Magazine to answer out infamous 10 Questions:

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for music?

I was 14 when I first got properly into music for myself, but I can remember my mum and dad were so heavily into their music, so from when I was a baby they’d always be playing a wide range of stuff around me. I can remember my dad playing me The Black Album, Boy In The Corner and the Chilli Peppers in the car when he’d be picking me up or we’d be driving to my grans. Then my mum would play stuff like Bob Dylan, Oasis & Neil Young around the house. My step dad got me my first guitar when I was like 8 too, so I really had music ingrained in me all throughout my youth, I was really lucky in that sense. Then I guess at like 14, early teens time, is when you naturally discover what you really like to do anyway, so it was always going to be music for me purely cos it was what I’d been brought up on.

2. Who are some artists that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

Rappers like Jesse James Solomon, Loyle Carner & Kofi Stone are probably my main influences. Its quite a particular sound in UK Hip Hop at the moment thats really resting nicely on my ears. I think Jesse in particular has such a unique tone to his voice and the way he flows on a beat is ridiculous sometimes. If I got the opportunity to work with any of them, I’d be pretty made up.

3. What projects do you have coming up and can you give us any info on them?

Yeah, I’ve got a couple of freestyles to come out after this single, and then its EP mode for Autumn; I’m hoping to get that out around October. It’s been a while since I put anything out before this single, so I just want to get into the habit of consistently pushing new stuff to people. I get too caught up in the complexity of it all sometimes and forget that the most important thing is putting new music out, especially when I’m sat on like dozens of tunes. So yeah, the EP is the main focus, I’ve got the concept and title, it’s called ‘All Hopes Lost On The Shadow Play’ - we’re just finishing off the tunes at the moment, I’m too gassed about it man.

4. How would you describe your sound?

Usually, I wouldn’t, but that seems a pretty rude answer in this interview! So I’ll have a go, and say it’s a unique, distinctively West Midlands flow over beats inspired by jazz, hip hop and soul.

5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist?

We supported Rejjie Snow last month, and that was pretty sick. I hadn’t really been too active for a while but this opportunity kinda came out of nowhere and it was just special man. The people I had with me, the size of the room and all that kinda stuff. It was a night of firsts and the most comfortable I’d ever felt on stage so I’d say that was pretty special.

My first ever gig in 2019 is up there too, I remember being so nervous but it went so well, and we’d filled the room too! I didn’t think anybody would come so it ended up being a really special night.

6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

Don’t get overly caught up in anything other than the music making process. All your excess energy should go into that, not social media, or content creating or shit like that.

Too many people, myself included at times in the past, get too caught up in the business/marketing side of music, and I know you have to be in tune to that, but it’s so easy to get lost in it and forget what you’re actually trying to do and the music suffers because of it at times. Always look bigger picture and analyse your project in terms of how its representing you and what it is you actually want to represent. Don’t get too caught up in any numbers games early on either, focus on making the music as good as it can be and letting as many people know as you can and that stuff will follow after.

7. Are there any artists on your radar right now that we should check out?

Yep. Hunter Bavaro, nineteen97, The Worst Guys, Yonko Leck & Ella More. All of which are making some beautiful music man. There’s a nice little melting pot of amazing talent bubbling away in Birmingham right now, and anyone reading this should check it out. It’s underground UK Rap, Grime, Soul and Hip Hop at it’s finest.

8. What albums are on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist currently?

I’ve finally (way overdue) been digging deep into Mac Miller, so K.I.D.S is on repeat at the moment. The new Murkage Dave album is so special, he’s really carved his lane and is putting out amazing music, World I Want To Live In is an incredible song. Kano’s Hoodies All Summer has been played a lot in my house with my old man too recently, again, a really, really important album. A bit of Balance by Children of Zeus too, so unique, so soulful - really nice to drive to.

9. What do you like to do when you're not making music?

Just see family and friends really. I’ve got a huge family and they live all over the country so its nice to go and spend time with them all, I’m never short of people to see and places to go and I like being busy so it works quite nicely. They’re just sick, and my friends are family now too, so even if theres not a motive or anything, just going round to their yards, listening to music and having a few drinks is perfect for me.

10. Name Three things you can't live without when in the studio?

Water, chocolate, my phone. Pretty boring but I always get bad headaches when I’ve been focusing for a while so the water helps with that, chocolate to keep my sugar levels up cos when they drop it’s bad news for everyone around me lmao, and my phone cos all my lyrics are on the notes app, and its the perfect procrastination tool in downtime between recording!


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