Leitroleion Troleone - Little Ghetto Boi's (Official Video) + 10 Questions


American Hip-Hop artist Leitroleion Troleone, pronounced (Lee-troh-lee-on) has dropped his new single ‘Little Ghetto Boi’s’ through his label Mind Over Money Records. The self produced track aims to invoke unity throughout the black community, something that he feels can often be lost due to issues of violence and crime. Leitroleion Troleone  has grown up in the hood and can speak fluently of spending his life in New York ghettos and experiencing these problems first hand. The positive message is clear in this record however as Leitroleion Troleone  dissects these issues and touches on how he feels they are now worse than ever.

Leitroleion Troleone  highlights his warning through the music video depicting what he feels the typical path would be for two young men growing up in the hood. The animated retro style video directed by Rohan Zahid captivates the audience and helps to represent the irresponsible, juvenile nature of the characters actions. Paying homage to the classic 1972 Donny Hataway song ‘Little Ghetto Boy’, Leitroleion Troleone  highlights that ‘‘despite the modern means of communication and technology, the streets seem to be more violent than ever and kids have less respect’’. He hopes through this new track he can push people to use the modern tools they have at their disposal towards more positive actions.

When describing the sound of the track Leitroleion Troleone  takes influence from his idols Tupac, Nipsey Hussle and Drake. The demanding rapping throughout the verses is offset by the sweet calm vocals in the chorus which feature lyrics such as: ‘what you gonna do when you grow up and face responsibility’. Stereotypically, American Hip-Hop bars feature themes of drugs, violence and crime but Leitroleion Troleone ’s original storytelling has strived to show a more lyrical, constructive side to the genre.

Leitroleion sat down with Wordplay Magazine to answer our infamous 10 Questions:

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for music?

It all began when I recorded a greeting on my aunty's answer machine that was my first time hearing myself over some speakers and I fell in love.

2. Who are some artists that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

Man that's a long list I couldn't just say it was one artist they all influenced me in some form or fashion. Some artist I loved to work with Nikki, Drake, Jay Z,Kanye, Megan, Jill Scott and Plies are just a few. But really I'm opened to working with anyone that wants to make good music.

3. What projects do you have coming up and can you give us any info on them?

I have a lot of music that is yet to be heard. I'm currently working on a track inspired by Tupac's 'I rather be your NiGGA'. Also I am working with a couple local artists to bring even more favour to the mix.

4. How would you describe your sound?


5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist?

My proudest moment was being able to put music out to the masses. Being able to see your music on different platforms and hearing it on the radio.

6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

If you are ready to hear some diversity in music tune into Leitroleion. If you're ready to feel the vibe tune into Leitroleion. If you're ready to listen to good music tune into Leitroleion.

7. Are there any artists on your radar right now that we should check out?

Me and anyone that's making good music.

8. What albums are on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist currently?

Currently, I listen to it all I'm inspired by county music as well as rap or R&B.

9. What do you like to do when you're not making music?

Helping the youth...

10. Name three things you can't live without when in the studio?

A good beat, energy and drive...


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