Etoile Marley - Power 2 The Mother (Single)


The genre-defying artist is kicking 2023 off with a double record release in January.

Power 2 The Mother is an ode to mothers everywhere, honouring their tireless efforts in raising children, working, maintaining households, relationships and family bonds whilst having their own pursuits. The artist questions how to maintain a sense of self after becoming a mother, particularly facing the drastic expectations placed on mothers to maintain a type of 'zen mother' attitude, perfect physical appearance and have idealistic parenting skills.

The youth obsessed culture of the entertainment industry has made women feel as though they are not of value unless they are young and single. Many mothers feel seldom acknowledged for their contributions to society and the immense load that they carry on a day to day basis. There is an overwhelming feeling they become invisible once they become a parent.

This is the premise that compelled toile to write a song that celebrates how irreplaceable mothers are!

"I had to battle a lot of societal dialogue around being "too old" to be starting a career in music after having children. But the more I speak with young women in music, the more I feel the importance of older women being visible and heard in the music industry.

The mainstream is very focussed on delivering for the youth culture but what about people over 30/40/50/60? Society forgets that "older people" listen to music and enjoy discovering new artists of their own generations too. Are we to only be exposed to music in our teens and twenties and have to live with those same artists for the rest of our lives? How great it would be to celebrate and support artists of all ages, and be able to relate to artists who are in a similar phase of life to our own."

Etoile’s album ‘Louve’ is due for release this May 4th.


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