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Live: edbl @ Jazz Café + Interview

Photo Credit: Silvia

Artist/producer edbl is on track to become one of the UK's most prolific collaborators. Only two years into his musical project, edbl, real name Ed Black, has released music with more than 50 artists. That's quite a feat, and he's only just getting started. He has really created a sense of community around him it’s really special to watch blossom.

We had the pleasure of attending the Jazz café to watch edbl with support from Quinn Oulton, and Joel Baker. He was accompanied by friends Jay Alexzander, Jarki Monno, Sophie Faith, and Nic Hanson. It was a vibrant evening filled with energy and passion. The sense of camaraderie on stage really reflected his latest album well ‘edbl & friends - Jackson Mathod’ and we as audience all but merely basked in the ambience.

We had the pleasure of interviewing him after the show to find out more about his journey

1. So tell me how did it all begin, what sparked your passion for music?
I started playing the guitar from a really young age - 7 - and never looked back to be honest! I took to it straight away and then starting a band and writing songs just came naturally from there. When I started gigging with my high school band was when it really clicked for me and I started to think ‘I want to do this for a job’

2. You have recently released an album called edbl & Friends - Jackson Mathod could you tell us more about this project?
This is the third release in the edbl & friends EP series, each of which has been really fun to work on and totally different from the last. Jackson and I started doing writing sessions earlier last year and clicked straight away. As instrumentalist/producers we initially started writing instrumental joints (including track one ‘Bossa’) but quickly decided we wanted to work with vocalists on the release so started to reach out to our circle of incredibly talented vocalists/artists, and the EP was born!

3. You have been touring this wonderful album, I had the pleasure of attending your Jazz Café show it was incredible, congratulations on selling out too! What have your tour highlights been so far?
Thanks so much! Honestly I’ve loved every show. Each has been different from the last and touring my music around the country is literally a dream come true. Bristol on a Friday night was a proper vibe, and the Brighton show caught me off guard a bit - the crowd were so up for it! But I have to say the highlight is playing a sold out Jazz Café. Such a historic and prestigious venue, it was a dream to play it at all let alone to play it sold out. A very special night for me and one I hope I can build on.

4. What’s your favourite song to perform live?
Ooh tough one to answer. I’ve really enjoyed playing ‘Lemon Squeezy’ this tour as its a nice change of pace from a lot of the other songs, plus there’s a fat guitar solo in it. I love performing ‘Never Met’ too as I sing the chorus and the third verse has a really choppy rap that always sounds great live.

5. Who/what do you consider to be the biggest influence on your music?
I couldn’t pin point one thing or one person. I’m really inspired by the UK Soul/R&B/Hip-Hop scene as a whole - artists like Mahalia, Loyle Carner, Tom Misch, Little Simz, Sinead Harnett, Kojey Radical, JUNGLE, the list goes on! It’s so inspiring to see people from the UK doing bits both here and further abroad. 
6. Name 3 people you would love to work with and why?
Kojey Radical & Little Simz as they are two of the best UK rappers IMO and I love working with rappers. Thirdly the producer Inflo who produces a lot for Simz as well as Cleo Sol and SAULT - he’s making some of the best soulful stuff going at the minute and I’d be fascinated to work with him as a producer.

7. What’s the proudest moment to date for you as an artist?
I gotta say Jazz Café last week. Playing my original material to a sold out room of 450 people including some close friends and family was truly a dream come true - its still sinking in.

8. What was the best concert/gig you’ve ever attended and where was it?
I went to see Nick Hakim back in 2017 at the Lexington in Kings Cross and Puma Blue supported - it was an amazing line-up and a super intimate venue especially for where they’re both at now, the whole set had me locked in.  

9.  What’s the album you’ve played more than any other?
I’d be interested to know what this actually is! The real answer is probably something embarrassing like McFly’s first album from rinsing it as a child (and occasionally as an adult), but from the last ten years one album I always come back to is Home Again by Michael Kiwanuka. Its so beautifully written and produced and has a real timeless feel to it, no skips & perfect for a lot of situations.

10. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?
My advice would be firstly just to keep going with it - there will be ups and downs and things can take a long time to pick up - and secondly don’t hold on to songs/ideas for too long - one of my favourite things about being an independent artist is being able to release music really quickly after its been created and that keeps things exciting both for me as an artist and for listeners!

Be sure to follow edbl for the latest. His music - including edbl & Friends - Jackson Mathod available to stream now.