Tay Toe - Habits and Setbacks (Album)


Tay Toe is back with a new, infectious 11-track album “Habits and Setbacks.” The album features his signature sound for the most part that consists of playful drums, heartwarming synths and understated but melodic vocal lines. However, certain tracks, such as “What You Deserve” showcase a more hard-hitting, atmospheric sound, further enticing the listener in and showcasing another side to the artist.

Speaking about the album, he reveals: “I worked very hard on this release. I cared about the sound so much and I wanted my fans to notice the extra work that I put into this album. I knew if I took my time with the instrumentals, recording, and audio engineers. That I could make something special. No it's not perfect, but I'm happy with how it turned out. This was just a beautiful warm up. My next album is going to be a perfect masterpiece.” 

Born in Los Angeles, but currently living in Salt Lake, Tay Toe started writing music therapeutically at first - starting at the age of 15 with a USB microphone. He continued to find solace within his music up until the age of 21, when he decided to take it more seriously, and started posting his music online and playing gigs 2-3 times a month, his fanbase growing and growing. Tay Toe has been writing music for 10 years now, and he’s managed to become a versatile artist with his own unique sound. Tay Toe still creates music for his own entertainment, but it’s now made for other people to find solace in also.


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