PREMIERE: Just A Leo - Change Your Life (EP) + 10 Questions


Just A Leo is aural nostalgia. Inspired heavily by Australian electronic acts like RÜFÜS DU SOL, Flume and Abroad, Kalliope (vocals, keys, producer) and Andie (drums, bass, keys, producer) embody the true spirit of the DIY movement by producing their music within their intimate bedroom studio. Their creative synergy allows them to craft a unique music that resonates deeply with their listeners.

Just A Leo's sound is a captivating fusion of 00's dance, synth-pop, electro-pop, soul, and melodic house. Channeling their journey of change, new beginnings and endings, they seamlessly blend these genres into a sonic tapestry with a finesse and authenticity that sets them apart in a crowded musical landscape.

"We all look up to the people who risked it all and won. Those success stories light a fire inside of us, but then the reality starts to sink in - following your dreams and taking that leap of faith is one of the scariest things that you can do. Everything you know and understand about yourself, your life, your stability will get completely tossed into the wind. Only one thing is for sure: It won't settle on the ground the same way. For years we spoke about moving from Australia to Europe to pursue our music. For years we spoke about different countries we could live in, how we would do it, how much money we would need and what we would get out of it. Until one day we set a date. Then we booked the tickets. The closer we got, the more our feeling of fear grew. But alongside it grew a feeling of resolve, as well as peace. We were taking a leap of faith and doing the scary thing that people usually only look up to. We were about to live our wildest adventure yet, one that would change us FOREVER - a clear line in the sand in our life's tapestry. " - Just A Leo

“The lead single, "Change Your Life", is a future-active reflection on how important this event would be to us. It was written before moving to Europe, and completed just mere months before leaving. Since being in Europe - it's been the best thing we've ever done. We've grown as people, had so many new experiences, immersed ourselves in a new culture, grown up, encountered soul-crushing challenges and overcome them. Now we feel fierce, like we can take on anything that this life will throw up to us. Whatever sense of stability you have isn't real. So you might as well take that leap of faith. Is it really that scary to step into the unknown when it's the only place we exist in?” - Just A Leo

Just A Leo sat down with Wordplay Magazine to answer our infamous 10 Questions:

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for music?

Kalliope: As soon as I could make goo-goo-ga-ga noises I loved music, more specifically singing. When I was around 2 years old, I would visit dad at work and would put on a concert for all the workers. I literally forced them to stop working and watch me perform a song (I think at that age I was obsessed with Madonna and Elvis Presley). It's my first true love.

2. Who are some artists that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

Andie: There’s honestly so many… A huge touchstone for us is Aussie electro-pop band Rufus Du Sol. We both would adore a chance to collaborate with them (if we ever do, consider us as ‘made it.’) Other than that, I personally really love Mont Duamel because his music feels like you’ve turned up the ‘warm’ slider on your life, and applied a slight vignette. I wanna capture that feeling but make it sadder. Also, collaborating with Flume would be a dream come true simply because I want to step inside his studio and try to see through his eyes if even just for a moment. That guy makes otherworldly music and I am all for it.

3. What projects do you have coming up and can you give us any info on them?

Kalliope: Essentially we have another body of work ready to go! This new set of music delves more into the melodic house vibe. We're also really excited to work on our live show, so there's lots of new and exciting things coming up!

4. How would you describe your sound?

Andie: It’s like getting lost in cosy nostalgia with the lights down low. You’re a bit sad because those times are gone, but you’re glad that they happened at all.

5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist?

Kalliope: I don't know if this is the proudest moment but it was the first thing that came to mind. We were on a train in Athens going into the city centre. Later that evening, I saw we had a message on instagram. It was a girl who spotted us on the train and told that she's a dancer and she dances to one of our songs in her warmups. She was too shy to come say hi and wanted to send a message instead. We've never been recognised before, let alone in a foreign country, so that was really really cool.

6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

Andie: Honestly, I am trying to figure out how to do this better myself. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how it’s really a game of consistency. If you do something for long enough while always seeking to improve it, then that’ll eventually get somewhere great right? The thing is, music is so discouraging because you’re a single drop of water wanting to be found in  a waterfall. I’m trying to find a way to be driven by internal metrics of validation rather than external so I can keep plodding along and honing my craft for as long as possible. I want to be able to measure my progress by ‘how many pitch emails did I send?’ not ‘how many did I win?’ That’s a different question and completely in your control.

That and probably find community. That’s one thing that’s gone missing for us since the lockdowns in 2020 (and relocating overseas). So, strong community, measure internal metrics only and play the long game.

7. Are there any artists on your radar right now that we should check out?

Kalliope: My goodness there's actually a lot of new music/artists that I've been loving at the moment.  Little Foots 'Find Me', Jarod Glawe's 'Orchid' and Ceres's 'High' are just to name a few.

8. What albums are on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist currently?

Andie: Ahh there’s so many that I can’t get away from. But three right now are: Miracles by CRi (especially the track Astray), Tourist’s new EP Crush (ahead of his LP in 3 weeks) and Durantes new EP ‘LMK’ (also ahead of his new album). I’m honestly overwhelmed by the amount of amazing music out there.

9. What do you like to do when you're not making music?

Kalliope: I absolutely love weight training. I feel as though as a woman, there's nothing more empowering than lifting super heavy weights. It almost feels like an obsession to be honest. I also really love going for long walks (it gives me mental space) and I really enjoy cooking and listening to podcasts. Recently I've fallen back in love with reading too. It's something I'm wanting to do more of this year.

10. Name Three things you can't live without when in the studio?

Andie: I can live without almost everything. We literally moved to Europe 8 months ago and gave up our studio and almost everything in it but have been making the best music we’ve ever made sitting around small uncomfortable tables in Athenian AirBnb’s. For me, it’s all about the headspace you bring to the table. So in keeping with that: 1. An open mind. 2. Courage to express yourself. 3. The toughest skin you can manage (Kalliope can be brutal and I love her for it.)


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