Slu - Interview


Shooting on the scene from West London, Slu has become a prominent figure in the music industry thanks to his signature style that effortlessly blends high-end fashion and unique lingo. With a notorious reputation to match, Slu burst onto the UK rap scene in 2014, captivating audiences with his unique sound and generating a palpable buzz that has only continued to grow.

However, Slu's music is more than just a catchy beat and slick rhymes. It embodies a deeper and more authentic vision that reflects his unique perspective on life.

Drawing from personal experiences and struggles, Slu creates a raw and honest sound that connects with listeners on a profound level. With his undeniable talent and dedication to his craft, Slu is poised to continue making waves in the industry and solidify his place as one of the most compelling voices in the UK music scene.

Slu sat down with Wordplay Magazine to chat about all things music.

Wordplay Magazine: I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to chat to me, I know this is a bit of an awkward time of day so I do appreciate it man.

Slu: Course man, no probs.

WP: So tell me, how it all began. What sparked your love for music?

Slu: I started listening to music very young, like I got involved in listening to hip hop, old school rap because of my older brothers, the likes of Biggie, 50 Cent, you know, so then, I just kind of just fell in love with it. But then it was just seeing the passion they had for it. So it just fell into me and the passion grew and grew as I got older.

WP: So you just dropped your latest single Vomit, the videos got, 265,000 views in just 7 day’s, which is amazing. Congratulations. You must be absolutely buzzing about that?

Slu: Thank you, man. Yeah, like it's literally like getting better and better, views wise, and I think people are kind of getting to know me more like I'm getting out there more now.

WP: Tell me about where the idea for the track and the video came from?

Slu: So I did the track, basically found the instrumental. So when one of my friends sent me the instrumental (I think he was on YouTube), then we purchased the lease for the instrumental as I really liked it after hearing it, then just kind of wrote to it like. Like I was by myself, I was at my house, he just sent it to me on WhatsApp. I listened to it and straight away I just started getting right into it. And then obviously, when I recorded it, the reason why I came up with the name Vomit is because a couple of my friends are in the studio and they thought it was kind of like, gassing me up. So it was like, you're just going crazy on that song. It's like you're vomiting, you know what I mean, so yeah, you know what we're gonna call it that. That's where that kind of name comes from.

WP: When you recorded the track, did you know that you were gonna go with a video? Or was that a later thought?

Slu: No, no, no. I knew I knew that. I was definitely going to go with a video. Because that majority of the time when I do a track, and I properly take time out and actually finish it. Because at certain times I might record something and I don't finish it. And then it's like, you know what? I'm not gonna do this one. I actually had the full track finished and I was like, You know what? I knew I was gonna do a video but I didn't know when I would release it, you get me? Then I just sat down with a couple people, a couple of my friends and kind of picked their brain’s with how to go with the video.

WP: What projects have you got coming up? And are you able to give us any info on them at all?

Slu: You know what right now? I've got a few I've got a few singles out so I'm still focusing on building, obviously there's talks about projects and what not. So maybe later in the year, but as for now, like I'm just still working on it, I'll still grow and build that to be honest to get the fan base you get me, then we can start talking about projects.

WP: Watch this space right now then.

Slu: literally, watch this space.

WP: So, who are some artists that influenced you and that you would like to work with in the future?

Slu: influence me, are we talking UK, US or what?

WP: Whoever, UK, US, whatever.

Slu: Influenced me, you know what to be fair? I listen, I listen to a lot of types of music and loads of different types of music. US, UK but in the UK like I feel like I wouldn't say no one really influences me to be honest because I feel like I'm, I've got like, like a different kind of sound to everyone else that obviously is the same similar but I feel like I've got my own kind of style so yeah, I pick up things from everywhere but maybe K-Trap, I like his music, I listen to a lot of K-Trap from the UK but yeah. Yeah, that's that's about it, man.

WP: Is he someone you would like to work with, in the future as well?

Slu: Yeah, why not? Yeah, I'd love to work with him.

WP: Okay, well, we're putting it out into the universe. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist

Slu: Proudest moment? it's just seeing my stuff grow, people actually like stopping me outside when I'm out and about and just showing love you know, I mean, their support and just let me know let me know that they're fans of my music.

WP: That must be quite a weird feeling to have people stop you and be like, I dig what you do?

Slu: I don't know about everyone else that does music because in your head you're not as big as other people see you? I mean I don't feel like I'm that big. So when people are stopping me I'm like, it's crazy.

WP: Have you got any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

Slu: Consistency man, I'll be real with you. I know sometimes it can be hard, it can get a bit long, like you can feel deflated sometimes. You might release music and don't hit numbers or do certain things that you think it's going to do or want it to do. You just have to keep going man, because you never know whats round the corner, it only takes one song, you can just take off. You just have to be consistent.

WP: Is anyone on your radar right now. That you think I should check out?

Slu: On my radar, yeah. A guy by the name K Wizzy, he'‘s one of my friends. He has been releasing music for a while, but took a long break. But yeah, he's coming back around so yeah, he's good.

WP: What albums have you got that are on heavy rotation on your Spotify or Apple playlist at the moment?

Slu: on Spotify; Future, Futures album. I've been listening to it. Yeah, Future and some Lil’ Dirk. Yeah. Just a variety of music. You know?

WP: About the Metro Boomin/Future album? What were your thoughts on the verse from Kendrick?

Slu: You know, that was a surprise because I wasn't following it, haha.

To be fair, I wasn't really invested in all that. So I didn't really know what was going on. It's only when social media kind of took off. I didn't have a clue like what was going on. So yeah, it was a bit of a shock to me.

WP: Gotta be honest with you, like, I love Kendrick. I mean, he's great. I'm a big J. Cole fan as well. Like that EP that J. Cole dropped in response was cold but those bars from Kendrick man, he’s on another level.

Slu: Kendrick is a real lyricist.

WP: What do you like to do when you're not making music?

Slu: I go to the gym training, Yeah, I train often. I like socialising with friends as well, and just work really, haha. Like if I'm not in the studio? Yeah, I'm just trying to just better myself as a person.

WP: Can you name three things that you can't live without when you're in the studio?

Slu: Three things I can't live without the studio, ah, that's a tough one. What can’t I live with? Three things that I can't live without... I need to have my snacks there. My go to snack is probably Doritos or Walkers Sensations. What else can’t I live about? Man it has to be good vibes man, I can't go in the studio and be with negative people. Obviously when I write I like to be alone because I feel like I just get the job done, you know when there's a lot of distractions, I can’t deal with that. But when I'm in the studio I like there to be like a nice little vibe like couple of friends and so I can kind of get the first hand opinion that when they hear the music for the first time, and lastly, a good producer man.

WP: I really appreciate you taking time out there to chat with me. I wish you all the best of luck man for the future. Looking forward to following your career.

Slu: Thanks. Appreciate it.


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