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Tony Bones The Producer x Jackson B - Elegance (Single) + 10 Questions

"Elegance" is more than just a track; it's a sonic journey crafted by the innovative talents of Tony Bones The Producer and Jackson B. This collaboration stands out as a prime example of what happens when two visionary artists come together to blend genres and push the boundaries of contemporary music.

At the heart of "Elegance" is a seamless fusion of hip-hop, soul, and jazz—three genres with deep roots and rich histories. Tony Bones and Jackson B have managed to take the best elements of each, combining them into a sound that feels both familiar and entirely new. The track opens with a smooth yet gritty groove, immediately setting the tone for what’s to come.

Jackson B’s contribution to "Elegance" is nothing short of extraordinary. His saxophone solo is the centerpiece of the track, infusing it with a vibrant energy that demands attention. The solo is not just technically impressive but emotionally resonant, capturing the essence of jazz while fitting perfectly within the broader context of the song. In addition to his instrumental prowess, Jackson B also lends his voice to the track, delivering harmonies that add depth and an emotional layer to the composition. These harmonized sections are carefully placed, enhancing the song's emotional impact without overshadowing the other elements.

The production of "Elegance" is where the track truly shines, thanks in large part to Tony Bones' expertise. Known for his work that has garnered over 12 million streams and numerous major sync placements, Tony Bones brings a level of polish and professionalism that elevates the track. The drums on "Elegance" are a standout feature, with a gritty, almost aggressive quality that contrasts beautifully with the smoothness of the chord progressions. This contrast creates a dynamic soundscape that keeps the listener engaged from start to finish.

Beneath the layers of drums, saxophone, and harmonies lies the bass line, skilfully played by James Berkeley. Berkeley’s bass performance adds a crucial layer of depth and groove to the track, grounding the melodic elements while providing a rhythmic foundation that drives the song forward. His bass line acts as a counterpoint to the saxophone and chords, enriching the overall texture of the track.

Tony Bones' role in the track goes beyond production. He also handled the mixing and mastering, ensuring that every element of "Elegance" is perfectly balanced. The mix highlights the intricate details of the composition, from the nuanced saxophone lines to the complex drum patterns, all while maintaining a cohesive sound that feels both expansive and intimate. The mastering process further enhances the dynamic range of the track, allowing each instrument and vocal to shine without overpowering the others.

"Elegance" is a testament to the power of collaboration and the creative possibilities that emerge when artists from different backgrounds and styles come together. Tony Bones The Producer and Jackson B have created a track that is not just a blend of genres but a true fusion, where each element enhances the other to create something truly unique. This track is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates music that pushes the envelope while still honouring the traditions that came before it.

Tony Bones The Producer sat down with Wordplay Magazine to answer our infamous 10 Questions:

1. So tell me, how did it all begin? What sparked your love for music?

Being raised in a household full of music from prog rock to jazz and soul, music was always playing. My dad Inspired me massively, he had a small setup in the living room with a midi keyboard and monitor speakers. I’ll always remember him messing about with VST synths cubase 5 & Reason.

2. Who are some artists that influence you and that you want to work with in the future?

Love Mick Jenkins, Luu Luu & Che Lingo.

Che I’ve already worked with but would love to do more with him! Top Tier 

Also…KOFI STONE can’t believe we still haven’t made a tune :(

3. What projects do you have coming up and can you give us any info on them?

Ive got a project coming out with the legend, that is Doc Brown. Mental that we’ve actually made an album together and its proper, proper dope!

Also got a new Jungle Brown EP in the works.

4. How would you describe your sound?

Earthy, soulful, timeless.

5. What's your proudest moment to date so far as an artist?

Probs landing music on FIFA and NBA games. The song is called “My Block” by Che Lingo produced by me.

Id like to add making an album with Doc Brown is pretty mental - super proud of what we’ve made, its a timeless classic no doubts! Looking forward to releasing into the world.

6. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be trying to play the mad game of music?

Do it because you love it, do it for you.

7. Are there any artists on your radar right now that we should check out?

Wakai, Ronday and their whole crew - those guys are serious, very high levels.

I also really f with Jayahadadream she’s gonna be huge I reckon.

DC3, he’s natural with it.

LuuLuu she’s incredible, modern but soulful - such a powerful vibrational energy.

8. What albums are on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist currently?

I’ll be honest I haven’t been listening to music for a while. Sometimes I need a break to help me continue forging my own style and sound. Im sure ill be back in my listening period soon enough.

9. What do you like to do when you're not making music?

I love sea fishing. Its super grounding and puts me in a mediative state. You have to be present when fishing, focusing on catching a fish. With the sounds of crashing waves in the background there is something so special about it. you feel vulnerable, in sometimes harsh conditions and you’re almost outsmarting nature.

10. Name Three things you can't live without when in the studio?

My Laptop, my ears & my drum sample collection.

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