10 Questions: Joe Publik (Born Ina Barn / Played Out Records)

Joe Publik

AH YEH!!! We’re back in full effect with another round of 10 questions. This time we’re heading to the Isle Of Wight to catch up with a truely talented wordsmith….Joe Publik. Having started his career rhyming over a dope Dilla beat, he’s since then been collaborating and building an amazing back catalogue, including his Born ina Barn collabs. Nuff said! Let’s do this…..

1) Contestant, what’s your name, chosen craft and where are you based?
Joe Publik, sampling!! Cowes (IOW) 

2) How would you describe your sound?
Feral haha, nah it's always a question I find hard to answer, people like things packaged up nicely but I'm Lionel messy. Was told it has that early 90s feel but it's really my take on Hip Hop in its original form (how I see), Loops & Chops, Flows & Punchlines. 

3) Who / what do you consider to be the biggest influence on your music?
Where I grew up, Freshwater Isle of Wight. It was the original site of the 1970 pop festival where Jimi Hendrix played his last ever UK show, the population increased after the festival because the Hippies loved it here! it also played a role in the late 80s early illegal rave scene (youtube Golden Hill Fort and see) although we don't have the infrastructure, music is part of our culture, not so much Hip Hop when I grew up but that was what made me more on it, I had to try prove this music wasn't a passing trend and it was for everyone (despite what Lord Jamar thinks haha) my content had to reflect where I came, a lot of my stories are loosely based on people I know/knew. shout out to Freshy 

4) What’s the proudest moment to date for you as an artist?
I'm lucky enough to have had a few proud moments with the other acts but as a solo artist I think getting Verb T in the studio to lay down vocals on one of my tracks was a real highlight, I been a fan since the Lowlife days and he's been a massive influence. Nobody has heard the track yet but it's going to be on my next album, which is almost finished, I wanted to put it on my new LP due for release early 20/02/2020 but sometimes you gotta hold back for other projects. 


5) Do you have any advice for our readers who maybe trying to play the mad game of music?
Thick skin and an open mind when you start until you know what sound suits you, after that, non compromising! If your talking promo and all the other stuff that artists usually can't stand, seek out people who know their shit and pick their brains if they let you! try keep up to date with all music platforms and ways to actually make some money back, also humbleness and helping others with their progression can go a long way. 

6) Name 3 people you would love to work with and why?
DJ Hi Tek because his production is monumental and i'd love to write to it

Doubbledge because i love his voice and delivery and we don't see enough of him!!

Rag n Bone man because he can sing like Muddy Waters and spit with the best of them and most importantly....... he's famous ;) 

7) What have you got planned for the not so distant future?
2 LP's in the pipeline and a couple collaborative EP's in the making, a couple of festivals booked for summer and helping run events close to home. I’ve just dropped an album on Played Out Records called Stubborn Vectis.

8) What’s the album you’ve played more than any other?
Probably Beats Rhymes & Life by Tribe, it was the first I heard of theirs so holds a nostalgic appeal or DoggyStyle because like most kids my age it was probably the first Hip Hop I was addicted to. 

9) What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? And where?
Summerjam in Germany, watched Nas & Damian Marley headline 

10) Name 3 things you can’t live without?
Food, clothes and shelter  

Please can you nominate another contestant and provide us with a question for them on your behalf?Chillman…. 

Question - “when and why did you start writing “ 

And that’s all folks! Be sure to check out Stubborn Vectis on all platforms, and you can get it on limited edition vinyl HERE (until the end of March 2020 on Qrates!)

Your host for today’s 10 questions has been James “Vice beats” Kennaby

Images by Double Or Nothing Productions ( INSTA -
@donprod )

Matt Neville

Founder of Wordplay Magazine


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