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Psweatpants - Honestly

Psweatpants is an artist hailing from the south of London and currently living in Edinburgh. He will release his 2022 debut on January 26th, entitled HONESTLY. 

Throughout his younger and teenage years, he was always fascinated with music and London’s burgeoning scene. When Wiley started making waves within the industry his passion solidified and gave him the knack to work at developing his craft. A year and a half later he released his first song "With my chest" which was swiftly followed up by his debut E.P "Genesis". Following Genesis, Psweatpants released his second E.P "The sign above my head" two months later. 

The latter gained media attention with a glowing review from the chief editor of Mixtape Madness and two of the five songs, "Life innit" and "Things we do'', were played on none other than the radio platform for emerging UK artists, BBC Introducing. Additionally, the Scotland based artist was featured on New Found Sound, an independent music blog. Spitting with different flows, a potent delivery as well as having relatable witty bars, Psweatpants is an artist on a very fast rise and is someone you will be hearing of a lot this year. 

HONESTLY is the first of many singles to be dropped by the London wordsmith in 2022. 

Words by Payton Campbell

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