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CROOK - Oh God (Single)

Irish born, Berlin-based based musician, songwriter and producer CROOK, today announces his debut mixtape FEEL BETTER, due for release later this year. This news coincides with the release of new single "OH GOD", produced by CROOK.

The meaning of the words "feel better" would seem self-explanatory: a simple wish, along the lines of "get well soon" and though this is certainly part of the meaning, CROOK explains there's more to it:

"It means to say feel more. It's more accurately read like an instruction, or an invitation: to feel more deeply, more fully, more honestly -- to do a better job of feeling. It asks you to delay delayed-gratification, in favour of a furious, intoxicating now. It takes you on a drive along the coast, and gives you all the time in the world to daydream yourself into a world of crushes, being crushed, and a maximalist, emotionalist injection of pure, rarefied pop music."

Based around the mismatched, world-spanning mixed CDs CROOK would create to soundtrack road trips in rural Ireland, FEEL BETTER is set to act as "a reminder of how deeply and intensely we can feel." Musically inspired by genre-pushing pioneers The Neptunes, Bon Iver and SOPHIE, lyrically CROOK's folk roots shine through in his captivating storytelling.

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