Hope - Interview


Hackney native and multi-disciplinary actor and musician Hope releases a perfect track for the Summer ‘Boujee Babe’. A laid-back melodic production, laced with a jazz influenced hip hop beat that will have you sitting back and relaxing, taking in Hope’s lyrics.

‘Boujee Babe’ is a smooth single for the ladies with Hope flowing effortlessly over the beat, showcasing his lyrical dexterity and how he is a master of rap – so smooth and fluid are his lyrics they just merge perfectly.

Steadily and consistently releasing tracks since 2022, the artist is showing fans his musical talent is here to stay and he can’t be boxed in.

Determined not to be boxed into one singular creative path, as cleverly lyricised in his single “Can’t Box Me”, East London, Hackney native Hope (aka Hope Ikpoku Jnr) is a multi-talented creative that needs no introduction.

Initially achieving global recognition as an actor from his roles in Netflix’sThe Kitchen” and award-winning series “Top Boy”. His latest creative venture as an artist, songwriter and all-round musician has seen him accumulate over 3.5 million streams on Spotify alone in his first few releases. Still, just 22 years of age, Hope has the world at his feet with his hit track “Stop The Rain” gathering the momentum needed to establish himself as an artist to watch.

Now, Hope re-emerges from a brief hiatus, having developed a soundscape that offers a narrative window into his compelling storytelling ability. Packed with meaningful lyricism and clever punchlines, Hope is ready to share his truth with the world. Working tirelessly behind the scenes to curate music fuelled by substance and passion, producing powerfully introspective bodies of work. This gives the young star a chance to further define himself not only as a new-coming artist, but an artist with a message to offer.

Hope sound down with Wordplay Magazine to chat about all things Hope:

Wordplay Magazine: Tell me how it began, what sparked your love for music?

Hope: That's a big one! I'd say, I’ve always loved music. I have a background in Performing Arts from when I was younger. My mum made me do classes in dancing, singing and acting, that was where I started to love acting as well. I've always loved music. My dad's always been big on that, he's a big music person, so he always made me listen to a lot of random stuff. So I've always had an interest in music. Um, it's always been there, but it was only recently that I've felt that I wanted to do it myself. So I’d say that's more like a recent development but in terms of love for music, that's always been there.

WP: Who are some artists that influence you and that you might like to work with in the future?

Hope: I always say my favourite artist is Dave, let's say he's the main influence for a lot of music. I definitely want to work with him in the future, obviously he produces as well, so I really want to jump on one of his beats. I love Kendrick, he's got my favourite rap album so Kendrick is up there. We have a random one, I don't know how it would sound but Justin Timberlake because he's got one of my favourite albums too.

WP: You recently released Boujee Bae. Which has been really well received, Can you tell me what projects you've got coming up?

Hope: Yeah, I've got a few, I've been in the studio for these last six weeks. I think I've been in the studio every single day, apart from two days. Even now I'm about to go to the studio after we finish this interview. I’ve got loads of projects, I work a lot on different projects. Different projects obviously have different themes and I will make music for that theme. And let's say it only has six songs, so I'll make ten in that theme and I've done that for about four different projects. And haven’t even dropped a project yet! That's just how I work. So, I've got loads in the pipeline, but in terms of what I know is going to come out, I've got my next one. I'm hoping to drop in summer, I just don't know exactly when.

WP: We couldn’t talk to you and not talk a little bit about Top Boy. How did you land the role of Aaron, and what was it like being part of the show, getting to work with the likes of Kano, Asher D, Dave, Bashy, Little Simz?

I used to act more when I was younger, but I stopped for a while, when I was around 13 because I was shy. I was actually too shy to act and I was too shy to dance, so I stopped going to classes. But then I was in GCSE drama and I just started getting back into it and I did the school play and I was like I want to act again so then I joined an agency. I got lucky, the school had this sort of system where they picked two students and they would cover their fees for like a six week course. So I did that and got into the agency and then it was literally, like a few months, and then I saw there were open auditions for Top Boy and I was like, yeah, I actually do want to go back into acting. I asked them if I would be able to go to the audition, they said yeah, so I went. It was like a two week process with three auditions and I got the role.

I didn't really have scenes with the guys you mentioned, I mostly met them outside the show. So my relationship with Kano was mainly built outside the show because we didn't have many scenes but I saw him on set, he became like a mentor figure because I look up to him and how he works.

WP: What would you say is your proudest moment to date as an artist, actor or musician?

As an actor, I have to say, The kitchen. When we first wrapped the kitchen I got a message from lot’s of people bigging up my performance and my contribution to the film. Music wise, probably, when I showed Wretch 32 one of my songs, and he said he liked it, that was cool. And that was early on when I started music, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to carry on so that really kept me going.

WP: Have you got any advice for any of our readers that might be trying to play the mad mad game of music?

I’m still learning myself! But I’d say just make sure the music is good, that's the most important thing. A lot of music is business, but don’t forget the main part which is the art of it because if that isn’t good nothing else will come with it.

WP: Are there any artists on your radar right now that we should check out?

Cristale, she’s sick, she’s hard.

WP: What albums have you got on heavy rotation on your Spotify playlist or Apple playlist?

I’ve been listening to a lot of random stuff, Pink Floyd, Destiny's Child, Get Rich or Die Trying and I’ve been listening to A Tribe Called Quest, they my dads favourite.

WP: What do you like to do when you're not making music or acting?

That’s all I've been doing recently! Gaming, either PS5 or PC. I’ve been playing Resident Evil recently.

WP: Can you tell me three things that you can't live without when you're in the studio?

My iPad because I write on my ipad. It’s just a mental thing, I write better on my iPad than on my phone. Cookies, I always bring cookies. I make cookies and then go to the studio. Third one; Sliders, sometimes if I am there till the early hours, I’ll have my sliders on.


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